
From Australia’s Placemaking Sandbox to Palawan’s Urban Landscape: Ecohaven Chief Don Manlangit Speaks at the Philippine Environmental Planning Day

Ecohaven Chief Landscape Architect speaks at the Philippine Environmental Planning Day in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan

In celebration of the World Town Planning Day and the Philippine Environmental Planning Day on November 8, the City Government of Puerto Princesa, in collaboration with the Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners (PIEP) – Palawan Chapter and the Province of Palawan, organized an enlightening lecture-workshop series aimed at promoting the Environmental Planning Profession.

From Left to Right (City Planning Development Coordinator Engr. Jovenee Sagun, Ecohaven Chief Don Manlangit, City Councilor Jimmy Carbonell, Vice Mayor Maria Nancy Socrates, Governor Victorino Dennis Socrates, and PIEP President Sharlene Vilches)

Having recently joined the Placemaking Sandbox Fellowship in Melbourne, Australia, Ecohaven Chief L.Arch. Don Manlangit led a captivating session titled, “Creating Vibrant Cities: Importance of Parks and Placemaking in the Philippines.” Drawing from his fellowship experiences, Don guided participants through a hands-on placemaking design exercise where they actively pitched ideas for the city’s 5 priority projects: Baywalk, Balayong People’s Park, Rizal Avenue Streetscape Development, Heritage District, and Freedom Park.

This engaging workshop under the theme “Learn Globally, Apply Locally” facilitated a unique opportunity for knowledge exchange, combining international best practices from Australian and New Zealand placemaking projects with the local context in the Philippines, particularly in Puerto Princesa City.

A participant discusses their inclusive placemaking proposal by integrating sensory interactive play area in Balayong People’s Park

City Officials were thrilled with the interactive workshop, expressing plans to integrate some of these Placemaking proposals into future project design and implementation.

For those interested in bringing their landscape and placemaking projects to life, please feel free to reach out to Ecohaven Group. Your vision, our expertise—let’s create attractive, sustainable and vibrant spaces together!